Just after the formal launch of SOLAS-International in 2004, SOLAS-Japan was organized, initiated with Western Pacific Air-Sea interaction study (W-PASS) in 2006-2010 of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan. Japanese scientists have been continuously playing an important role in the SOLAS-relevant research, and in the implementation of SOLAS 2015-2025 Science Plan.

SOLAS research aims to understand the key biogeochemical-physical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and atmosphere. Achievement of this goal is important to understand and quantify the role that ocean-atmosphere interactions play in the regulation of climate and global change.

Under the Science Council of Japan/Future Earth/World Climate Research Programme, the SOLAS-Japan National Committee is overseeing and supporting SOLAS-related activities in Japan. Topics on SOLAS-relevant studies in Japan include: Air-Sea Exchange of Greenhouse Gases, Ocean Acidification, Impact of Sea Surface Microlayer on Atmospheric Chemistry, Supply of Trace Elements from the Atmosphere to Ocean via Deposition Processes, Formation of Marine Atmospheric Aerosols and their Impact on Cloud Formation, Nitrogen Fixation, etc.

During 21-25 April in 2019, SOLAS Open Science Conference(OSC)was held successfully at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, with the support of the SOLAS-Japan National Committee.

SOLAS international has been sponsored by SCOR, WCRP, Future Earth, and iCACGP. In this context, SOLAS has strong linkages with the other international projects such as IGAC, CATCH, IMBER, PAGES, GEO-TRACES, etc.

Current Committee Members

Yuzo Miyazaki

Hokkaido University

Specialty: Atmospheric Chemistry

Sayaka Yasunaka

Tohoku University

Specialty: Ocean Material Cycles

Yoko Iwamoto

Hiroshima University

Specialty: Atmospheric Chemistry

Hidenori Aiki

Nagoya University

Specialty: Surface Waves

Koji Hamasaki

The University of Tokyo

Specialty: Microbial Oceanography

Naomi Harada

The University of Tokyo

Specialty: Biogeochemistry; Paleoceanography

Akinori Ito


Specialty: Atmospheric Chemistry

Sohiko Kameyama

Hokkaido University

Specialty: Geochemistry

WebsiteResearch GateGoogle Scholar
Kana Nagashima


Specialty: Geochemistry; Paleoclimatology

Shin-ichiro Nakaoka


Specialty: Carbon Cycles

Jun Nishioka

Hokkaido University

Specialty: Chemical Oceanography

Daiki Nomura

Hokkaido University

Specialty: Sea Ice Biogeochemistry

Fumikazu Taketani


Hiroshi Tanimoto


Specialty: Atmospheric Chemistry; Environmental Earth Science

Urumu Tsunogai

Nagoya University

Specialty: Geochemistry

Mitsuo Uematsu

Center for Environmental Science in Saitama

Specialty: Atmospheric and Marine Environmental Chemistry

Jing Zhang

Toyama University